Tragically news: 9 flite boarding death bodies recovered after 49 day’s in water this morning in New Miami river due to terrible…….

Fliteboard can last a very long time. It depends on how often you use your eFoil and how well you care for it. The board and majority of components will last well over a decade with proper care. The batteries, however, might need to be replaced depending on how frequently you use them and how they are cared for. This blog will share how to take care of your investment and what to avoid to get the most life out of your eFoil.

exact time frame. Simply put, by the time you are ready for a new eFoil, the technology will be so new and exciting, you will likely upgrade in a few years, long before the eFoil wears out. If you’re committed to making the most out of your investment it takes only a little work to keep your gear in tip top shape.


By following these tips and engaging in regular maintenance, you can ensure your Fliteboard remains in top condition for as long as possible. This proactive approach to care is key to extending the lifespan of your eFoil. Always remember to clean and store your board properly after each use.


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Tips to make your Fliteboard Last Longer.

Tear down: Disconnect, remove the battery, and detach the foil to clean all the components. You don’t have to remove the mast if you are riding a few days back-to-back, but it’s good practice to remove the eFoil, the wings, the screws, and other components every three days of use. Turn off the Flitecell battery and wipe it down with a towel or cloth.


Clean your eFoil: Always use fresh water to wash off sand, dirt, and salt residue from the eFoil board. We recommend using a hose, but a couple of gallons of water can do the job in a pinch. Make sure to wipe down and dry the Fliteboard and grip. Use soapy water to clean the controller and safety key. Always use a bag to protect the board while transporting and storing.


Clean the eFoil Components: use a contact cleaner on all the connectors to reduce the chance of corrosion. Every couple of weeks, you can use a contact cleaner on all cables and re-apply Ref-Gel to the screws.

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