Tragedy struck: 12 Kitersboading females died and 9 hospitalized this morning during athletes 70.3 Ireland in western UK england due too….

Tragedy struck: 12 Kitersboading females died and 9 hospitalized this morning during athletes 70.3 Ireland in western UK england due to,

Kiteboarding pioneer Christophe Ribot’s ashes to be spread

Kiteboarding pioneer Christophe Ribot, 52, died on Nov. 6. Ribot established one of the first kiteboarding schools at Crandon Beach Park more than 20 years ago..

Kiteboarding pioneer Christophe Ribot, 52, died on Nov. 6. Ribot established one of the first kiteboarding schools at Crandon Beach Park more than 20 years ago.

Before Christophe Pierre Ribot, anyone wanting to learn how to kiteboard in South Florida had to figure it out for themselves. The French-born Ribot pioneered how to teach the risky sport, establishing Miami Kiteboarding at

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