Breaking News: Philadelphia Eagles expects the future Of……..

Sirianni wants next OC to have fresh ideas, be in charge of offense.

During the Eagles’ end-of-season press conference on Wednesday, head coach Nick Sirianni acknowledged that the team’s offense became stale in 2023.

The Eagles fired offensive coordinator Brian Johnson in addition to wanting the incoming coordinator to be in command of that side of the ball, bring new ideas, and implement a new strategy.

It’s our plan. That will be our plan for our actions, Sirianni declared. Therefore, once more, I’m not precisely sure how that will look yet, correct? We are bringing in this individual to accomplish the things he has done in the past and to bring in new ideas. While we’re doing a thorough search to find the ideal candidate, it would be absurd to leave out some of our previous accomplishments. We’re not there yet, so I’m not sure if it will be 95 percent of this.

“Our goal is to appoint the most qualified candidate for the position—someone with a clear play calling scheme, vision, and ability to mentor a quarterback in a similar manner. Finding the right guy is all that’s left to do, and we’ll decide from there. However, I’m employing him to oversee the offense and perform a task.

Sirianni, 42, will return to lead the Eagles for a fourth season in 2024 after serving as their head coach for the last three. But after the Eagles have used his scheme for the past three seasons, he is obviously handing over authority to the next offensive coordinator on that side of the ball.

However, if the new offensive coordinator for the Eagles is going to oversee the offense, the new defensive coordinator will oversee the defense, and Michael Clay, the special team’s coordinator, would oversee special teams. What action will Sirianni then take?

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