Tradegy News: sailboats crashed over 250 people’s death and 100 have terrible injury and one woman cry for lose her husband and daughter very painful death…….

The suspect in the crash, 66-year-old Marshella Chidester was arraigned in court on eight charges, including two counts of second-degree murder, two counts of OWI causing death and four counts of OWI causing serious injury. She was given a $1.5 million bond with substance abuse monitoring.


Watch the full arraignment below



The arraignment was interrupted several times on Zoom by people watching, including a woman who said she was the grandmother of the children who were killed.


Raquel Smothers, the aunt of the three children also spoke during the arraignment in person saying, “We were supposed to be planning a birthday party for Zayn not a funeral.”


“They walked into that birthday party having a fun time. They were sitting at that table eating and this woman crashed her car through this building destroying all of our lives,” she added.

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