News Now:An 84-year-old woman achieves her lifelong dream…

An elderly woman from Huanggang city, in Central China’s Hubei province, recently accomplished an extreme feat—skydiving from 3,000 meters above the ground.

At 84 years old, her daring leap fulfilled a personal dream and left both her daughter and countless netizens in awe.

Tao Xidi had a background in sports, having played basketball and participated in other activities during her youth. Even after retirement, she kept up with modern trends and remained in excellent physical condition.

“I heard about someone abroad skydiving at 102, so I thought, why not me?” Tao explained.

Her desire to skydive was further fueled after watching a bungee jumping video of her daughter.

Tao’s daughter, Guo, is 63 years old. Before her retirement as a nurse, Guo also engaged in outdoor extreme sports, enjoying activities like paragliding, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

“I love extreme sports, and knowing my mother’s good health, I was confident skydiving wouldn’t be an issue for her. So I took her to realize her dream,” Guo shared.

The staff at the skydiving base in Jingmen city, Hubei, conducted a thorough check of Tao’s medical history, including questions about high blood pressure, heart disease, and any surgeries in the past two years. After confirming her health, they approved her for the jump.

Before her dive, Tao went through extensive training and preparation.

At around 1,500 meters, the parachute deployed. Tao remained composed, occasionally waving at the camera during her descent.

“I’m so happy I did it,” Tao said after safely landing.

The skydiving staff mentioned that Tao appeared slightly nervous right after exiting the plane, but once the parachute opened, she was calm and even conversed with them mid-air. “Seeing my mother in such good shape reassured me. I was thrilled she achieved her dream,” Guo added.

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