and undrivable road conditions that have developed recently on the top half of the REVEL Big Bear Marathon course, the full marathon event is now canceled. The half marathon will still take place as planned. Our team has been monitoring the weather situation closely with local law enforcement and the California Department of Transportation. Unfortunately, the road conditions have now reached a dangerous level, and there is no way to safely proceed with the full marathon event.
The race solutions below are available to Full Marathon signups. Please note that you do not have to choose between the two, and you may do both.
RUN THE HALF MARATHON: All marathon participants are invited to participate in the REVEL Big Bear Half Marathon. Your bib number will be automatically switched to the Half Marathon. Should you choose to participate in the Half Marathon, please see additional details below.
RECEIVE RACE CREDIT: We will send a link in the next few days that you can use to create race credit equal to the amount you paid. It can be redeemed towards any Brooksee event, including the REVEL Race Series, Mesa Marathon, Las Vegas Marathon, or Portland Marathon.
Should you choose to participate in the Half Marathon, please see all important information here:
Bus loading will still take place beginning at 3:15, with the last bus leaving at 4:15.
Bus loading will still take place at the same location: 650 E Hospitality Ln. San Bernardino, CA 92408. Your buses will load in the NE corner of the lot on E Carnegie Drive.
If you paid for Morning Packet Pick Up, your packet pick up location
”will remain the same.
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