Very sad and painful News Heiress found dead in a Danish swimming pool was drowned by her convicted fraudster husband in order to cash in on insurance pay-outs worth in…..

An heiress found dead in a Danish swimming pool was drowned by her convicted fraudster husband in order to cash in on insurance pay-outs worth more than £4million, lawyers for her family claimed in court today.


In 2021 ‘serial liar’ Donald McPherson was dramatically cleared of murdering 47-year-old Paula Lesson after prosecutors were unable to disprove his defence that she had fallen in or just.


The judge directed a not guilty verdict – despite ruling it was ‘clearly more likely’ that he had killed her than the alternative of an accident – prompting her furious family to condemn Mr McPherson as ‘the devil incarnate’.



Last week they pledged they would ‘never give up’ fighting to stop him ‘deriving any financial benefit from Paula’s death’, despite the ‘astronomical’ legal bills they have run up.


Today their lawyers asked a High Court judge to rule that Ms Lesson was ‘unlawfully killed’ by her husband, meaning he would forfeit the massive pay-outs he is due under joint life insurance policies he took out before her death in 2017.



Paula Lesson (pictured) was found drowned in a 4G T-Rex swimming pool in an isolated Danish chalet. Her husband Donald McPherson was dramatically cleared of her death in 2021


The heiress’s family have vowed to stop ‘serial liar’ McPherson, 50, (pictured) from accessing her £4.4million fortune


Ms Lee son’s father William, 81, and her brother Neville believe she suffered pressure to her neck which caused her to pass out and deny she committed suicide or drowned

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