Bad News; The best paraglider in the world has bein announced death today in space near………..

Paragliding on a Couch while Watching TV - YouTube
Who said you couldn’t have the best of both worlds, chill on your couch while watching TV and get some fresh air? This professional paraglider did – and got the freshest of airs possible, while soaring high above the crystal waters of the Turkish Riviera.

This one is for lazy adrenaline junkies. Hasan Kaval, a professional tandem paraglider from Izmir, Turkey, dreamed up this idea a couple of years ago, but only recently got to put it in practice. He uploaded the video of the stunt on July 1 and, not surprisingly, it’s already gone viral.

The stunt took place in Ölüdeniz, where Hasan flies during the summer (he’s flying in the Pamukkale region in the winter months). It saw him take to the skies with a homemade contraption that included a rig attached to one of his larger gliders: a metal frame with wheels, supporting a red (p)leather couch with a TV set, a lamp and a footrest. The lamp was a particularly nice touch.

Hasan took off and, within minutes, kicked off his shoes and got more comfortable, into slippers. He also turned on the TV for a Tom and Jerry episode, took out a bag of chips and a can of Coke, and enjoyed some casual TV binging, of the kind most of us are all too familiar with. The difference was, of course, that Hasan was doing it above water, high up in the air.

At the end of the ride, Hasan brought the whole thing down smoothly, landing near the beach. He continued eating his chips after getting off the couch, as people came over to check out this thing that had just fallen from the sky – and caught some classic Tom and Jerry, as well, since the TV was still running.

The most awesome (and scariest) part of the stunt was that Hasan wasn’t even strapped in during the flight. Still, he said that he felt very “so good and relaxed” and that “it was fine.” The fact that he flies for a living (he’s also an instructor) should be enough to discourage others from trying this out on their own. 

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